1. A section of the roller coaster track where the train changes direction.
1. Intense excitement and adrenaline rush experienced on a roller coaster.
2. Vibrations or shaking experienced during a roller coaster ride.
3. A sudden change in direction on a roller coaster.
4. A roller coaster element that forms a complete loop.
5. A quick downward slope on a roller coaster.
6. A water feature on a roller coaster that provides a refreshing splash.
7. A roller coaster made primarily of wood.
7. The time spent in line before riding a roller coaster.
8. A spinning motion experienced on certain roller coasters.
8. Loud vocal expressions of excitement or fear on a roller coaster.
9. The vertical distance from the ground to the highest point of a roller coaster.
9. An upward or downward slope on a roller coaster track.
10. A mechanism that propels a roller coaster forward at high speeds.
11. A spiral-shaped element on a roller coaster track.
12. The initial steep descent of a roller coaster.
13. A mechanism that raises the roller coaster train to a higher point.
14. The complete path traveled by a roller coaster train.
15. A change in direction on a roller coaster.
16. The force exerted on riders during changes in speed or direction on a roller coaster.
17. The feeling of weightlessness experienced during certain moments of a roller coaster ride.
18. The structure on which the roller coaster runs.
19. Devices used to slow down or stop a roller coaster.